I invite you to read my final project on "computer basic" for L2 English Course and Level: First year of the upper level of Administration in Vocational Training.
The objectives, tasks, contents and activities are explained in this schedule. For the introduction of the contents in this area L2 computing resources are used. 

Application sessions in the classroom will be two hours a week.
Template to design a CLIL didactic unit

Subject:Computer science               Teacher:Mª Mercedes Oliver Marco

Title of the Unit   Computer basic

Course / Level      First year of the upper level of Administration      

1. Learning outcomes
 / Evaluation criteria
To know parts of a computer.
To know threats and security.
To know about computer threats
To know minimize risks
2. Subject Content
Parts of a computer.
Threats and security.
Computer threats.
Minimize risks.

3. Language Content / Communication

Nouns: case, Central Processing Unit, Motherboard, Peripherals, disk drives, hard disk, monitor, screen, printer, keyboard, mouse, speakers, microphone, USB, flash drive, CD/ DVD drives, System Unit, video camera, scanner, external hard disk, modem, start button, mouse pad.
Trojans, viruses, spyware, firewall, antivirus, attachments, service packs, patches, network, backups, files, boot disk, damage, recipient.
Verbs: drag, drop, shut, print, delete, cut, paste, surf, download, enter, click, underline, type, move, search, allow to, manage, move, name, need, prevent, process, reduce, replace, scan, store, be aware of, choose, find, keep, read, resend, set up, shut down, update,  block, install, disconnect.
Prepositions: With, without.

-Make sentences using the nouns and verbs of this unit.
-Pronunciation of Past tenses of Regular Verbs (connected, downloaded, logged, spotted, fixed, allowed, etc.)
-Past tense and past participle of Irregular Verbs (be aware of, resend, set up, shut down, etc.)
Reading, listening, writing and speaking
Reading, listening, writing and speaking
4. Contextual (cultural) element
The pupils higher degree of Administration and Finance accessed in many different ways (with Bachelor's degree, higher entrance exam cycle, entrance exam to the University, etc). We also have many students who come from South America with a low level of English. All these features are different levels of English.
Therefore it tends to explain a level that it can acquire all of them. Students who have a more advanced level can go deeper.
As for the Office module in English is a subject in updated science and often the concepts are explained in English.

5. Cognitive (thinking) processes
Cognitive processes are skills to use computer resources are very important in solving problems to solve in the development of computer applications. Intelligence with the ability is essential.
It is also important memory in learning vocabulary and grammatical construction of sentences. Visual memory in learning language and visual memory in building phrases that improves reading and auditory memory developed by listening a lot is used.
When used videos simultaneously improves visual memory, auditory memory, skills, understanding of language and concepts.
The assimilation of concepts and language develops when students create video, blank canvases, powerpoint, prezi and then explained orally.

While students learn concepts of computer, implement applications, a second language is learned.

6. (a) Task(s)
1. Match pictures with vocabulary.
2. Find vocabulary in the dictionary.
3. Listen concerning computers.
4. Listening concepts of the theme.
5. Reading books on basic computers.
6. Perform exercises to strengthen the language grammar.

6. (b) Activities
1. Develop a PowerPoint and Prezi to the concepts and definitions of the subject that also contains the recorded explanations.

2. Make a video linking new vocabulary with appropriate verbs.

3. Vocaroo recorded in a description of the images of the concepts explained.

4. Investigate websites.

7. Methodology
Organization and classdistribution / timing

1.    Enter a topic (youtube video, images-vocabulary, powerpoint, Prezi).

2. Understand vocabulary and content (using dictionary:

3. Practice the vocabulary and structures theme:
(Prepared by interactive exercises
SmartNotebook- program to develop interactive Smart digital board exercises).
Students do videos with the program: portable photoscape.

4. Expand and reviewing content (word processing word-filling the gaps on the text, students can record audio with, skills about listening and comprehension of computer topic, presentations made by my students and later prezi powerpoint and oral English of the contents of the subject.

5. Understand and analyze development of grammatical structures with new vocabulary and grammatical sentences theme with new verbs (
Grammar Review:

Improve reading vocabulary and grammatical constructions in the digital library:

Students put into practice what they have learned by performing a white canvas to express concepts and contents of the subject:

Students will complete virtual books with new concepts taught in L2:

All resources are:

Resources / Materials

Key Competences
-Testing operation of a computer system.
-Checking the connections of the communication ports.
-Acquisition and / or unloading of applications or programs.
-Update application.
-Uninstallation procedures.
-Implementation of security measures and confidentiality.

-Assessment of the need for measures that ensure the security and confidentiality of our system.
-Interest to keep our system updated and best operating conditions.
8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
-Elements hardware:
•Video display and graphics cards

-Units internal and external storage.
•Network cards, cards
WiFi, Bluetooth.

-Elements software:
•Operating systems.
•Applications or programs.

- Operating systems:
•Basic functions.
•Single-user and multi-user operating systems.
•Systems owner or operating software Free.
•Dual boot several operating systems installed.

-Local networks:
•Main configurations.
•Sharing and updating resources.

-Software of security:

Presentación de mi portafolio en sociedad:

mi portafolio